在英国政府部门日前公布的相关移民新政策的修订计划中,有一项是对于留学生的新法案,对于此事法令英国各高校均表明热烈欢迎。意味着英国高校的组织---"英国高校联合会"称,本次修订计划明确提出的提议,毫无疑问了高*不容易变成乱用移民新政策的高风险单位。该联合会现任主席德拉蒙德o伯恩(Drummond Bone)说,本次修订计划"应*仅有标准学校才可以进行高等职业教育主题活动。"内务部这一份汇报确认,对于留英学员的新法案将于2009年4月以前逐渐应用。新法案的关键点依然尚需商谈。可是早已有那样的建议,即留学生在到英国以前,务必获得英国学校的贷款担*。每个学校也将有义务*其留学生遵循相关签证办理要求。另外,这一份修订计划案还建议开设一个备案规章制度,包括英语语言表达学校和院校以内的*,务必要在内务部开展备案。伯恩*教授说:"英国高校联合会热烈欢迎在新*移民法令架构内,开设*备案规章制度,这能够*留学生免受仿冒高校蒙骗,并能防止一些人请托留学签证注入英国。"此外,还应完全依法取缔仿冒*,严格控制请托学员为名开展的签证办理,并要*真正申请办理得到合理解决。伯恩*教授说,准备来英国念书的留学生,会发觉*政策更加简易立即。现阶段,在英国全日制高校本科毕业生及硕士研究生中,留学生占据的占比各自为14%和43%。他还说,2020留学生会给英国经济发展产生200万欧的盈利。
Universities back plan to curb student visa abuse Debbie Andalo Wednesday July 26, 2006EducationGuardian.co.uk Universities have welcomed the inclusion of a new points-based system for international students in the government's proposed overhaul of the immigration service, announced yesterday. Universities UK, the body representing British universities, said the recommendations of the review confirm that higher education is not a high-risk area for immigration abuse. The president of the organization, Drummond Bone, said the review "should ensure that higher education is not associated with less reputable education providers". The Home Office report confirms that a points-based system for international students wishing to study in the UK will be introduced by April 2009. Details of the new system are still subject to consultation but it is proposed that international students must be sponsored by a British college or university before they can enter the UK. Individual colleges and universities will also have responsibility for ensuring their students comply with visa regulations. The review also recommends that a Home Office register of educational providers, which would include English language colleges and schools, be established. Professor Bone said: "Universities UK welcomes the introduction of a register of education providers within the new points immigration system to ensure international students are not duped by bogus colleges and to prevent abuse of the student visa entry route into the UK. "Such a register should assist with the eradication of bogus education providers and limit fraudulent student visa applications, while ensuring genuine applications are handled efficiently." He said international students wishing to study in the UK should find the new system more straightforward. Overseas students account for 14% of fulltime UK undergraduate and 43% of postgraduates. Prof Drummond said that, by 2020, international students could be worth ?20bn to the UK economy.