英国留学介绍之三  -大学整体介绍




原文网址: http://spaces.msn.com/members/houwenxuan/blog/cns!1pDqHDQ3v7yPtRKiN3pdp2UA!2033.entry

上年详细介绍过RAE,是对于BUSINESS, ACCOUTING AND FINANCE的 RAE 详细介绍,有的人“不理智”(这里是借一下张Y同学们的修饰词,刚刚才和他吃完啤酒鸡和水煮鱼,色香味俱全),进攻说我为何给一些学校5* 6*,这种学生们是高看着我了,我都并不是RAE PANEL,给谁几星我说了不算。是这种 panel 里的 professors 点评了每个高校有关科系的老师们递交的毕业论文之后评的级。和各种各样报刊上新闻记者们的评分对比,是多少還是能反映出*教授的意旨来。新的panel for RAE 2008早已筹备好啦,此次是对之前RAE2001以后,七年内每个科系发展趋势的评定,应当有大戏可看。下一次的RAE得分2008年底才可以出去。

之前写的文章内容,几篇,一篇是详细介绍RAE,一篇是详细介绍MBA in UK。此次介绍一下学校总体的情况。学校的总体尽管能表明一些难题,但假如和科系整体实力分离看来,也就丧失实际意义。前几日我一个盆友LU取得ASTON MARKETING的OFFER,说*的盆友出新招,说ASTON差。这一好和差不太好分辨,由于不清楚那个人是拿ASTON和哪里比,如果和KELLOGG之流比,那的确是够差的。但在英国的国际商学院里面,ASTON的MARKETING便是AMONG THE TOP了。尽管ASTON学校并沒有尤其*。这一事例就是在选校的情况下不可以只看学校,尤其是对硕士研究生而言。

本文还和之前一样,沒有添加哪些我本人的意旨,全是客观事实的称述。但假如非得跟我说本人的建议,我不说哪些好和差,这全是相对性的,无缘无故就拿美国的牛校而言事情没意义,更有意义的是立即去读美国的牛校。假如去不上,那么就看一下英国高校的详细介绍吧。所以我的建议是,英国RUSEEL GROUP的学校,還是很非常值得读的。尽管这种学校里学员不是说随意拎出去一个便是牲畜,但找一个高手不算难。

原文网址: http://spaces.msn.com/members/houwenxuan/blog/cns!1pDqHDQ3v7yPtRKiN3pdp2UA!2033.trak

那么就先来介绍一下Russell Group。这一同盟是英国19所*大学构成的研究会。这一同盟占有了英国60%的英国科学研究经费预算和收益,55%的博士研究生授于,35%的欧盟国家外留学人员。78%被评选为RAE 5*的老师和57%被评选为RAE 5 的教师在弗雷德里克同盟内。THE RUSSELL GROUP is an association of 19 major research-intensive universities of the United Kingdom. Formed in 1994 at a meeting convened in the Hotel Russell, London, the Group is composed of the Vice-Chancellors/Principals of the Universities listed opposite. There are also a number of active sub-groups. In 2001/02, Russell Group Universities accounted for over 60% (more than £1.5 billion) of UK Universities' research grant and contract income, over 55% of all doctorates awarded in the United Kingdom, and approximately 35% of all students studying in the UK from outside the EU. In the 2001 national Research Assessment Exercise, 78% of the staff in grade 5* departments and 57% of the staff in grade 5 departments were located within Russell Group Universities. The aims and objectives of the Russell Group are to promote the interests of Universities in which teaching and learning are undertaken within a culture of research excellence, and to identify and disseminate new thinking and ideas about the organisation and management of such institutions.

原文网址: http://spaces.msn.com/members/houwenxuan/blog/cns!1pDqHDQ3v7yPtRKiN3pdp2UA!2033.trak

Member organisations University of Birmingham 谢菲尔德 University of Bristol 布里斯托 University of Cambridge 剑桥大学 Cardiff University 卡地夫 University of Edinburgh 英国爱丁堡 University of Glasgow 哥拉斯哥 Imperial Collegeof Science, Technology

